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Donna Sarrazin and Mark Barnes

Safer Supply Ottawa obtient un nouveau domicile, financement de Santé Canada

(Reportage disponible en anglais seulement)

Safer Supply Ottawa gets a new home, Health Canada funding

July 31, 2020 – Ottawa Citizen – Bruce Deachman – Photo Julie Oliver / Postmedia

An initiative by health-care groups in Ottawa to replace illicit, possibly fatal drugs with pharmaceutical-grade alternatives took a few steps forward recently with a new central location and much-needed funding.

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Prescription pills

Selon un nouveau rapport, les décès liés aux opioïdes augmentent en Ontario pendant la pandémie

(Reportage disponible en anglais seulement)

Opioid-related deaths spike in Ontario during pandemic, new report finds

November 10, 2020 – CTV News – Ben Cousins – Photo Graeme Roy

TORONTO — A new report suggests Ontario is facing a 40-per-cent spike in opioid-related deaths that can be largely attributed to collateral damage from the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Pharmacist who specializes in serving those with addiction

Pandémie : « une crise de trop » pour les personnes dépendantes aux opiacés

(Reportage disponible en anglais seulement)

Pandemic ‘one crisis too many’ for those with opioid addiction

April 17, 2020 – Ottawa Citizen – Blair Crawford – Photo Jean Levac / Postmedia

The COVID-19 pandemic has made the need for a safer supply of drugs even more urgent for Ottawa’s homeless drug users, say advocates for the city’s most vulnerable population.

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